The Recruiting Squad Mission and Values.

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Our Mission

Help businesses thrive by making it easy to hire the talent they need to succeed.

About Us

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About Us

Founded by corporate recruiting professionals, The Recruiting Squad provides affordable On-Demand Recruiting Support, designed to make employers feel like they have a recruiting department when they need one.

The current options businesses have to fill positions are limited: Do-it-yourself recruiting, hiring contract recruiters and working with staffing firms are riddled with problems.

Do-it-yourself recruiting takes you away from running your business because you have to post jobs on multiple job boards, sift through resumes, conduct phone screens, schedule interviews, and perform reference checks.

Hiring Contract Recruiters is the same process as do-it-yourself recruiting, the only difference is you are trying to identify a great recruiter which typically takes weeks and a little luck.

Working with Staffing Agencies charging 15, 20 or 25% finder's fee is a non-starter unless you truly have your back against the wall.

Having experienced these problems ourselves, we knew there had to be a better way. So we went to work. Our first objective was to try and streamline the recruiting process and make it more efficient and cost-effective.

The Recruiting Squad’s High-Speed Hiring Platform is born.

Working with a team of developers the vision began to take shape in the form of a digital platform. Streamlined communication between businesses and a seasoned team of recruiting professionals was one of the early goals.

But not just any recruiters – experienced recruiters. The Recruiting Squad hires the best of the best – screened, vetted, and certified to ensure their experience, knowledge, and abilities exceed the client’s expectations.

Reducing Cost Starts with Cutting-Edge Technology

As our High-Speed Hiring Platform began to take shape, problems that used to hold businesses back from getting positions filled quickly were eliminated one by one.

We developed the platform to perform seamlessly, no complex contracts or negotiation processes. We give businesses the power to manage open positions, receive instant pricing estimates to fill positions, and manage candidate flow using the user-friendly employer dashboard.

Our platform saves employers money by giving them the ability to get started in 24 hours and only pay for the hours they need with no hidden charges or cancellation fees. Businesses can now start and stop recruiting at any time. This unique pay-as-you-go model makes filling positions affordable. Hire 1 or 100.

Now that our vision has become a reality, experience it for yourself.

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